
Hi, I’M MEG.

I live in West Hartford, CT with my husband Chris and our baby girl Nell. We love classic American style and bickering about whose turn it is to unload the dishwasher. Glad you stopped by!


Summer Water

I've done a LOT (really a lot...) of rosé tasting this summer so I thought I'd share a round up of my top 5 favorites before the season ends. I've found that most of my favorites are under $20/bottle - and I've intentionally left out the "obvious" options like Whispering Angel to hopefully give you a few new ones to look for.

In no particular order:

1. Bordeaux Rosé: A new favorite, this rosé is made from Sauvignon Blanc grapes. Super light, dry, delicious! $14-16/bottle

2. Theirry Vernon Cave de la Bouquette Sancerre Rose: OMG this one is good. A little pricey, but this bad boy is a SANCERRE ROSÉ. Every bit as good as you imagine. $23/bottle

3. Coté de Más Rosé Aurore: This has replaced Jolie Folle as my "best bang for your buck" rosé - same liter size bottle (score!) and low price point and super easy to drink. This is my go-to bottle to bring to parties. $8-$10/bottle

4. Fleur de Mer Cotes de Provence: This is my favorite mid-price rosé - very light, fruity but dry. The bottle is also gorgeous so I tend to bring this to friend's homes for dinner with a a few inches of striped ribbon around the neck. $16-18/bottle

5. MiMi en Provence Grande Reserve: Not going to lie, I love the glass cork and the gorgeous pale pink of this one! A great buy for when I feel like making frosé or dropping in frozen watermelon. $12-14/bottle

**it should go without saying that Jolie Folle is still my very favorite (sure, the anchor label helps ;) but I cannot find it around here for the life of me and my local wine store said it's discontinued (?!!!). Let me know if you hear otherwise and I will resume the hunt!

Do you have any new favorites this year? I'd love to add your suggestions to my list if you leave them in the comments below! 

Spicebush Swamp

Washington, D.C.