
Hi, I’M MEG.

I live in West Hartford, CT with my husband Chris and our baby girl Nell. We love classic American style and bickering about whose turn it is to unload the dishwasher. Glad you stopped by!


Fall Capsule

Fall Capsule


I wrote (what I think was haha) a very robust fall trend post last Thursday but it was getting late so I saved it with plans to finish it up on Friday. Much to my dismay, Squarespace ate it and they can’t find it anywhere :( So, unfortunately this won’t be as thorough but hey, everyone is here for the shoppable part anyway, right?!

Overall I’m most excited about the polished looks edging back into style as we all navigate returns to the office. Other trends I’m excited about:

Any trends you’re seeing that have you inspired? I must say it feels good to be excited about a few new pieces to mix up my fairly classic year-round closet. Looking forward to a new season!

Nell's Big Kid Room

Nell's Big Kid Room

Autumn Home Refresh

Autumn Home Refresh